If you’re bored or tired of your home’s décor and are interested in trying something different, you can consider projection mapped interior design. This is an option that is very unique and can instantly help you update your home. The use of projectors can help you transform and redecorate your living room or any other part of your home, and the best part is that it’s very easy to do. There is no paint or tools involved, so the process will be simple, smooth and headache free.

This is a great way of changing up your space and is also a great way of testing out new styles. If you love something and feel that you would be happy with the décor in the long run, you can then consider a more permanent renovation, but in the meantime, you can enjoy playing with new ideas and décor styles. All you have to do is cover the space with white sheets and set up some projectors. The end result will look great, and this option will allow you to change the décor of your home to suit your mood and taste.

The sky’s the limit when it comes to options and ideas, and there are no limits in terms of creativity. If you have kids and want to make the room fun, you can decorate the walls with their favourite characters or, if you prefer sophistication and want something elegant, you can outfit your apartment with antique furniture pieces and décor. Projection mapping is a very unique and innovative form of technology that is versatile and advanced, so you can bring whatever vision you have to life. There is no idea that is too wild or too big, so your creativity and ideas can shine.

The use of projection mapping in interior design will also eliminate disagreements regarding décor and style because you will get to try out different ideas, and since there is no DIY painting job involved, everyone in the house can have a say, and together, you can select the décor that is most suitable.

The technology behind projection mapping will allow you to be in control, and you will get to select the colours, patterns and textures of furniture that speak to you. You will also have control over wallpapers and carpeting and can use more than one projector to bring your vision to life. Projection mapping is a very creative medium that can be used for different businesses, and advertising campaigns, and those interested in interior design can certainly benefit from this form of technology.

Above Mapping can help you with all of your interactive projection mapping needs and can discuss the different areas in which this medium can be used. We offer dynamic projection mapping options, so if you want to work with a reputable and experienced projection mapping company, give us a call today!

